Materialities (key priorities)

In parallel with the formulation of our 2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, the Group has developed a set of materialities (key priorities) based on our corporate philosophy, which are to be addressed by management.
From the perspective of both the Group’s sustainable growth and contribution to society, we have organized these materialities into those that are business-related and those that are business infrastructure-related, and set KPIs for each.

Specifying materialities

In parallel with the formulation of our 2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, the Group has developed a set of materialities (key priorities) based on our corporate philosophy, which are to be addressed by management.
From the perspective of both the Group’s sustainable growth and contribution to society, we have organized these materialities into those that are business-related and those that are business infrastructure-related, and set KPIs for each.

  • Establish stronger presence
  • Increase high-value-added products
  • Expand share of overseas sales
  • Contribute to a sustainable society
  • Develop and utilize diverse talent pool
  • Management indicators

These KPIs and materialities were released to the public after being reviewed for validity by management.


Business-related materialities

KPI 2023 Results Targets for 2025
Establish stronger presence
Net sales 159.3 billion yen 183.0 billion yen
Operating income [Operating income to net sales ratio] 12.4 billion yen [7.8%] 20.0 billion yen [11.0%]
EBITDA 23.1 billion yen 32.0 billion yen
Capital investment (cumulative) 15.4 billion yen 68.0 billion yen (2023-2025)
Expansion of high-value-added products
High-value-added product to net sales ratio 44.1% 48%
R&D expenses 5.0 billion yen 5.6 billion yen
Expansion of overseas market share
Overseas net sales 26.6 billion yen 40.5 billion yen

Business infrastructure-related materialities

KPI 2023 Results Targets for 2025
Helping achieve a sustainable society
GHG emission reduction (25.3%) (35%)
Promotion and development of diverse human resources
Percentage of women in managerial positions 4.0% 5.0%
Key management indicators
ROA (ratio of ordinary pro t to total assets 102.78 yen 153 yen
ROA (ratio of ordinary pro t to total assets) 5.4% 8.2%
ROE (ratio of net income to shareholders’ equity) 5.8% 7.3%

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