
Inquiries about our products

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Inorganic Products

Liquid caustic soda, liquid chlorine synthetic hydrochloric acid, sodium hypochlorite, etc.

Business in Charge
Inorganic Chemicals Department
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Acrylic Monomers & Chemical Products

Acrylic esters, acrylic acid, special acrylic ester, etc.

Business in Charge
Acrylic Monomer Department

Industrial Gases

Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, etc.

Business in Charge
Toa Techno-Gas Co., Ltd.
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Acrylic Polymers

Dispersants, thickeners, scale inhibitors, adhesives, etc.

Business in Charge
Polymer and Oligomer
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Polymer Flocculant

Business in Charge
MT AquaPolymer
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:30 pm(except weekends and holidays)

UV-curable Resin


Business in Charge
Polymer and Oligomer (UV-curable resins)
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)


Instance glues, Aron Alpha peripheral products, light-curable adhesives, highly functional and reactive adhesives, etc.

Business in Charge
Adhesive Material
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

High-purity Inorganic Chemicals

Liquid hydrogen chloride, high-purity liquid chlorine, high-purity sodium hydroxide aqueous solution, high-purity potassium hydroxide aqueous solution, etc.

Business in Charge
High-purity inorganic chemicals Department
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Amenity care materials


Business in Charge
Amenity care materials Department
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Cellulose Nano Fiber (CNF)


Business in Charge
New Products Development Division Cellulose Nano Fiber Section
Phone Number


*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Medical care

Aron alpha A Sankyo, Aron Alpha Skin Protect

Business in Charge
New Products Development Division
Phone Number


Construction and Civil Engineering Products

Aron Wall, Clear Wall, Aron CoatSQ, Aron QD Tiles, etc.

Phone Number


Free dial
*9:00 am - 5:00 pm(except weekends and holidays)

Corporate Inquiries

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