Occupational Health and Safety

Item P D C A
Targets for 2023 Results in 2023 Achievement Targets for 2024
Occupational Health and Safety
  • Zero lost-time injuries
  • Lost-time injuries: 6
  • Zero lost-time injuries
  • Hidden risk discovery and countermeasures
  • Implementation by devising methods at each workplace
  • Zero no-lost-time injuries
  • Implementation of training to improve hazard prediction
  • Share safety rules with subcontractors
  • Strengthening safety organization through communication

Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Priorities for occupational health and safety (OHS) promotion and key policies and measures are determined at the Group’s Sustainability Committee meetings, and we engage in health and safety activities accordingly. Each business site is raising the level of health and safety by fusing top-down initiatives and bottom-up initiatives from workplaces.

Schematic diagram of the system

Health and Safety Committee and Workplace Health and Safety Meetings

Safety and Health Committee meetings are held monthly at each workplace in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Law, and labor and management work together to promote safety and health activities. Safety and health meetings are held monthly at each workplace to maintain and improve occupational safety and health.

Occupational Accidents

In 2023, the total number of accidents for our group's employees and cooperating offices was 6 lost time injuries (including 1 fatal accident) and 10 lost time injuries, which means that we could not achieve our goal of zero accidents.

In particular, accidents involving cooperating establishments involved in construction and transportation account for the majority of lost time injuries, and in 2024, we will focus on preventing accidents at cooperating establishments.

Number of Occupational Accidents (Cases)

  Toagosei Group Partner business sites, others Total
Lost-time injuries No-lost time injuries Lost-time injuries No-lost time injuries Lost-time injuries No-lost time injuries
2018 2(3) 12 0(1) 5 2(4) 17
2019 2(1) 12 4 4 6(1) 16
2020 4 6 2 2 6 8
2021 1(1) 8 0 4 2 10
2022 4(1) 7 2 1 6(1) 8
2023 0(1) 6 5 4 5(1) 10

(Figures in parentheses indicate the number of accidents at overseas business sites.)
