Value Creation Flow
The Toagosei Group has been leveraging the power of chemistry to create new value that meets the needs of a rapidly changing society. By providing products that meet the needs of the times, we cultivate solid technical capabilities and trust in our products. With these as our foundation for value creation, we continue to develop new products and technologies that meet the expectations of society and increase our corporate value.
Social issues recognized
by Toagosei
Provide products and technologies that contribute to solving customer issues
Achieve a sustainable society
Financial Capital
Total assets
272.285 billion yen (end-2023)
Plant & equipment capital
Capital investment
15.496 billion yen (2023)
Human Capital
Number of employees
2,554 (end-2023)
Intellectual Capital
R&D cost
5.039 billion yen (2023)
Social and Relationship Capital
Group companies
22 (end-2023)
Natural capital
Annual energy consumption
(Crude oil equivalent)
179,000 kℓ (2023)
Medium-Term Management Plan「Leap Forward to the Next 2025」
The Toagosei Group aims to achieve sustained growth by expanding existing businesses and creating new products and businesses set to become future earnings pillars, based on its corporate philosophy of "through the endless possibilities of chemistry, we bring happiness created by highly functional materials."

Business Activities
Our Group will invest additional management resources in R&D and capital investment to further reinforce its unique R&D capabilities and strengthen its production base. As a result, we will seek to expand its unique and high value added businesses as well as to build a business base resilient to intense changes in the operating environment.
Commodity Chemicals
Polymer and Oligomer Business
Adhesive Material Business
Performance Chemicals
Plastics Business
Technology areas
- Synthesis technology
- Polymerization technology
- Compounding technology
- Particle control technology
- Molecular control technology
New Products and Technologies
We will continuously create original products and technologies by taking advantage of our Group’s superior technologies. We provide new products and technologies to solve our customers’ problems and contribute to the development of society.

Kawasaki Frontience R&D Center
Sustainable Management
In addition to working to reduce energy consumption by improving production efficiency, we are also working to become carbon neutral in terms of energy by adopting green energy generation. We will also advance the development of ecoproducts to help our customers with their environmental challenges.

Sustainable Growth of the Group
- Expansion of new and high-value-added businesses
- Strengthening of R&D capabilities while expanding technology areas
- Expansion of overseas market share

Sustainable Society
- 2050 Carbon Neutrality (Net Zero)
- Reduction of environmental impact through eco-products
- Creation of new businesses aimed at resource recycling
- Responding to a super-aging society