Respect for Human Rights

The Toagosei Group conducts fair and proper treatment with consideration for human rights and strives to develop an environment where its diverse workforce can actively participate.
Human Rights Policy
The Group supports international human rights standards and principles, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains formulated by the Japanese government. We do not engage in human rights abuses, including forced labor, child labor, discrimination, and harassment.
To clarify this thinking, the Group has established the Toagosei Group Human Rights Policy, approved by our Board of Directors in 2022, which has been published on our website. In addition to the officers and employees of our Group, this policy expects suppliers and other business partners to support this thinking. In accordance with this policy, we are also establishing a human rights due diligence mechanism and working to identify, prevent and mitigate human rights issues, as well as setting up “Corporate Ethics
Helplines” to provide assistance in the case of violations of human rights.
Human Rights Due Diligence Initiatives
The Toagosei Group conducts human rights due diligence in accordance with the Toagosei Group Human Rights Policy.
We identify and assess human rights risks with reference to the "Practical Reference Materials for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains" formulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.For issues identified, we conduct surveys by sending questionnaires to relevant suppliers, contractors, etc., and consider and implement necessary countermeasures based on the survey results. The status of implementation of human rights due diligence is reported to the Compliance Committee for verification as appropriate.
Past Initiatives
In 2023, we distributed the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines to our major suppliers that handle relatively high-risk raw materials. At the same time, we conducted a survey on the status of overall sustainability initiatives and received responses from 17 of 17 suppliers (100% response rate).As a result of the survey, no significant human rights or sustainability issues were found at the targeted suppliers. We will continue to expand the scope of companies surveyed and improve our survey methods.
In 2023, we distributed our human rights policy to the companies to which we outsource operations in our plants and encouraged them to make efforts to respect our principles on human rights. At the same time, we conducted a human rights questionnaire and received responses from 55 out of 57 companies (response rate: 96.5%).As a result, no major risks were found that conflict with the International Labor Organization (ILO) Core Labor Standards and other international norms (prohibition of forced labor, child labor, elimination of discrimination, safe and healthy working environment, etc.) or with various domestic laws and regulations. In particular, we confirmed that companies employing foreign workers are taking appropriate measures in compliance with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Guidelines for Employment Management of Foreigners and other relevant guidelines.On the other hand, there are some companies that are facing challenges in promoting human rights awareness on their own, and we will continue to support them by providing information and other assistance to help them improve their issues.
Corporate Ethics Helpline
The "Corporate Ethics Helpline (Compliance Hotline)" has been established both internally and externally as a grievance mechanism for early detection and resolution of compliance and human rights issues, and is available via dedicated telephone and e-mail contacts.
We have also set up a "Consultation Desk for Harassment, Pregnancy Discrimination, etc." and are making efforts to create a comfortable working environment regardless of gender.
In 2022, we established regulations on whistleblowing to protect whistleblowers, including anonymous reporting, and to improve the effectiveness of the whistleblowing system.
Measures for Human Rights and Harassment
The Toagosei Group respects basic human rights and creates an environment that respects the individuality of its diverse workforce, including the seniors, employees with young children, and foreign nationals, and allows them to utilize their skills. We have established employment rules that prohibit sexual harassment, power harassment, and maternity harassment. We are also working to raise awareness towards human rights to prevent behaviors that are discriminatory or violate on human rights by holding lectures and training for all employees, including those in managerial positions. In addition, we have established Consultation Desk both inside and outside the company. If any human rights violations are identified, a committee composed of members, including outside experts, investigates the matter and promptly takes corrective action.