Responsible Care (RC) Management
Basic Policies for RC
Mindful of its responsibilities as an enterprise engaged in the chemical business, the Group is promoting Responsible Care (RC) activities under the Basic Policies for RC in order to ensure safety (occupational health and safety, security and disaster prevention, product safety, and physical distribution safety) and to continue efforts to protect the environment.
In accordance with the corporate philosophy and based on our policy of contributing to society by offering useful chemical products, our priority is to ensure safety of workers and people in society at large throughout our business activities. Our aim is to reduce environmental impacts of all our processes from procurement of raw materials to final disposal of products after use.
At every stage of the product development process, from development to disposal after use, we will give consideration to product safety, safety and hygiene, and environmental preservation, and strive to improve the reliability of our products among our customers and society.

Toagosei Group and Responsible Care
Responsible Care (RC) activities are voluntary initiatives of companies handling chemical substances to ensure environmental protection and health and safety throughout product life cycles. Companies disclose the results of their activities and thus communicate with society.
Toagosei has been a member of the Japan Responsible Care Council (JRCC) since its establishment by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) in 1995 and is promoting RC activities throughout the Group.
Toagosei endorsed the Responsible Care Global Charter established by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) in 2009 and revised in 2014. The president of Toagosei is a signatory of this charter and Toagosei is committed to the vigorous promotion of RC activities.

Environmental Policy
Make environmental protection integral to business activities and contribute to the sustainable development of society.
- We will reduce the environmental impacts of our business activities, including development, manufacture and shipment of chemicals and industrial products.
- We will comply with laws, regulations, agreements, customer requirements, and other requests regarding the environment.
- We will effectively conduct daily and routine inspections, take measures to prevent significant impacts on the environment, including from accidents and emergencies, and conduct necessary training.
- We will stipulate measurable environmental targets, evaluate and analyze their achievement regularly, and take necessary measures within a technically and economically feasible scope in response to major environmental impacts to spiral up the environmental management system. In addition, we will focus on the following.
- Initiatives to prevent global warming
- Initiatives to reduce environmental impacts
- Initiatives for a recycling-oriented society
- We will effectively implement and maintain our documented environmental management system in order to improve environmental performance. We will promote educational and public relations activities in order to foster understanding and awareness of the environmental policy among all employees and partner business sites.
- We will disclose this policy at the request of external parties.