Sodium hypochlorite with low sodium chloride content (low bromate type)

A Sodium hypochlorite with low sodium chloride content with reduced chloric acid and bromic acid is used primarily in water supply due to tighter water quality regulations in recent years. With a stable quality derived from our proprietary methods, these are used in many fields that demand sanitary control, including water and sewer systems, pool disinfection, pharmaceuticals and food industries.

Product Name

TsuruchlonTW, TsuruchlonSuper, Aron CleanLB10

Chemical Name Sodium hypochlorite
Our product name TsuruchlonTW, TsuruchlonSuper, Aron CleanLB10
*Japan Water Works Association (JWWA) special grade certification registered product
Packaging type Tank truck, bag in box, plastic can 
Specifications JWWA certification registered, and compatible products, food additive compatible products


Department in charge
Inorganic Chemicals Department
Phone number
*9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(except weekends and holidays)

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