Powder paints

ARON POWDER is an eco-friendly powder paint that uses no organic solvent. Powder paints are very economical as unused paint can be recovered and reused to reduce waste. The highly weather resistant grade of ARON POWDER is the most widely used powder coating for wiper blades in the world. The insulator grade version is best suited for coating precision components that require insulation.

Product Name



Low temperature curable grade Epoxies can be cured at 120℃ and epoxy polyesters can be cured at 150℃.
High weather resistance grade
In addition to excellent resistance to continuous UV ray exposure (accelerated weathering), it also has superior resistance to impact and salt water spray.
Matte grade Enables complete matte coating with extremely low reflectivity.
Insulator grade Owing to its high dimensional precision, this grade provides uniform coating even on corners and edges of small components, yielding highly reliable insulation.


ARON POWDER powder paints are used in a wide range of applications based on their characteristics.

Low temperature curable grade Automotive components (oil filters, shafts), electrical and electronic components (sensors)
High weather resistance grade
Automotive components (wiper blades)
Matte grade Automotive components (wiper blades and brake pads)
Insulator grade
Electrical and electronic components (small motors, bus bars and coils)


Performance of representative grades of Aron Powder

Coating performance of Aron Powder for insulation


Department in charge
New Products Development Div.