
Toagosei Group Code of Conduct and the Toagosei Group Manual of Behavioral Standards

As fundamental guidelines and the basis for decent behavior for all officers and employees to act as exemplary citizens, the Group has established the Toagosei Group Code of Conduct and the Toagosei Group Manual of Behavioral Standards.

Compliance Committee

Our Group has established the Compliance Committee consisting of officers and a legal counsel as an external committee member. The Committee periodically monitors the status of implementation of compliance measures at Toagosei's sites and Group companies (including overseas subsidiaries) and provides recommendations for improvement in order to ensure management that emphasizes compliance.

Compliance Education

The Group is promoting voluntary education at workplaces, and education of employees according to positions and group-wide education in order to promote compliance awareness. Moreover, the Group distributes the Compliance Handbook created in-house as an educational tool on compliance, and conducts Group wide education, contributing to continuous, comprehensive training to foster a high sense of moral as members of society, in addition to ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

Compliance Regarding Business Activities

To ensure that the Group's business activities are in compliance with laws and regulations, we implement rules and conduct reviews by internal organizations. For example, regarding the Antimonopoly Act, we stipulate Toagosei's guidelines and describe initiatives in the Antimonopoly Act Compliance Manual. In addition, we require a review by the Antimonopoly Act Compliance Committee upon the revision of product prices in an effort to prevent any violation of laws and regulations.

Corporate Ethics Helpline

The Group offers two systems for receiving consultations, with both internal and external Corporate Ethics Helplines, which are whistleblower hotlines for early detection and resolution of compliance issues, while reports can be made by writing, telephone and e-mail. Furthermore, the Group has established a dedicated helpdesk for sexual harassment and other issues in an effort to provide a better work environment for women.
