Physical Distribution Safety

Item P D C A
Targets for 2023 Results in 2023 Achievement Targets for 2024
Physical Distribution Safety
  • Reduction in the number of physical distribution problems
The target for reduction of logistics complaints was achieved, but the target for troubles was exceeded. ★★
  • Reduction in the number of physical distribution problems

Safety Management during Product Transport

Safe Transport and Delivery Promotion Structure

Each business site organizes conferences with carriers to promote safe transport and safe delivery. The business sites set annual targets at the conferences and confirm the progress and whether rules for carrying out safe operations are being observed through meetings and safety patrols.
In the case of new clients, the business sites confirm clients’ receiving facilities in advance to establish the system for safe delivery. If a carrier requests improvement of a client’s receiving facility, we ask the client to make those improvements.

Horizontal Deployment of Problem Information

The logistics departments undertake sharing and horizontal deployment of information at all plants by registering problems in shipping and transport in a database. Each business site regularly holds meetings with carriers to share risk information such as examples of actual accidents and close calls in order to raise awareness for the elimination of serious troubles.

Emergency Response Training

In the disaster prevention training periodically conducted at each business site, drills in preparation for the occurrence of leakage accidents are conducted with the participation of carriers as well. Drills include confirmation of emergency contact procedures, methods to secure safety and evacuate, etc.
We also provide education on the properties and toxicity of transported products, as well as on emergency measures upon leakage, and inspect and maintain the emergency materials placed on vehicles, etc. We have also prepared emergency equipment and materials at business sites and put in place a system for promptly forming and dispatching emergency response teams.

Endorsing the White Logistics Movement

In December 2019, endorsing the White Logistics Movement, Toagosei announced its initiatives in the Voluntary Action Declaration listed in the table below.
The White Logistics Movement is an initiative in Japan aimed at improving logistics through joint efforts of shippers and logistics service providers.
A shortage of truck drivers, which is an issue in Japan, is having an impact on the Group in terms of the safety and quality of its logistics activities. We consider that the initiatives of the Voluntary Action Declaration listed below will help reduce the number of physical distribution problems and prevent accidents involving the people working in logistics.

Initiatives in the Voluntary Action Declaration

Item Description
Proposal for improvement of logistics and cooperation If suppliers or logistics service providers request reduction of time spent waiting for cargo, reduction of the need for drivers to perform manual unloading, streamlining of incidental operations, etc., we will discuss the matter with them and vigorously make proposals.
Utilization of pallets, etc. We will utilize pallets, racks, returnable containers, etc. to reduce time spent handling cargo and the workload.
Improvement of facilities of shippers We will automate filling equipment, integrate warehouses and other logistics facilities, and implement other measures to reduce the workload and time spent handling cargo.
Active utilization of logistics service providers engaged in workstyle reforms, etc. We will actively use logistics service providers engaged in workstyle reforms, improvement of safety, etc. and support their efforts.
Safety measures for cargo handling We will strive to prevent occurrence of occupational accidents through improvement of equipment for filling hazardous substances and shipping equipment, review of procedures, etc.
Aron Kasei Co., Ltd.
Item Description
Modal shift to ships and railroads Review long-distance transportation from trucks to ferries, RORO vessels and railroads as appropriate.
Promoting Documentation of Contracts of Carriage We promote the use of written contracts of carriage.
Consideration of Compliance with Laws and Regulations when Selecting a Contracting Party When selecting a logistics provider to contract with, we will consider compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Cancellation or Suspension of Service in Extreme Weather, etc. When abnormal weather conditions such as typhoons, torrential rains, and heavy snowfalls occur or are expected to occur, we will not make unreasonable requests for transportation. If a logistics operator deems it necessary to cancel or suspend operations in order to ensure the safety of drivers, we will respect the judgment of the logistics operator.
