Health Management

Health Management Promotion

We promote health and productivity management through initiatives aimed at enhancement and maintaining health of the employees.

Top Message

In accordance with our corporate philosophy of "Through the endless possibilities of chemistry, we bring happiness created by highly functional materials," the Toagosei Group aims to contribute to creation of new values through chemistry and achieve a sustainable society.

As human capitals are the source of the Group's sustained growth, it is an important task to establish a fulfilling working environment for a diverse workforce.

As health maintenance and improvement of employees falls under this, we are promoting health management initiatives as it is believed to be an investment that will enhance the sense of fulfillment from work among the individuals, invigorate the organization, which could lead to the growth of the company.

I personally believe it is essential to pay attention to my own health, and try to make a point to exercise such as taking the stairs instead of elevators as much as I can.

Our health is something that is irreplaceable, and where the happiness of our employees and the company's growth begin.

Chairman, CEO and Representative Director Mikishi Takamura

The Group's Basic Stance

  • It is essential to enhance the productivity of each and every employee in order to enhance the medium-term profit of the company and elevate our corporate value and creativity. To this end, we must invest in maintaining and improving the health of our employees through strategic, systematic and continuous promotion by a permanent, dedicated department in order to reduce health risks and resolve health issues of the employees.
  • Health investment will be conducted with clear indicators of initiative implementation status, employee awareness and behavior modification, and final target in place, and intercorrelated for more effective implementation.
  • We aim to reduce risks such as increased medical costs and absenteeism due to injuries and illnesses, as well as to improve productivity and creativity, and enhance corporate value through fostering mentally and physically healthy employees.

Health Management Promotion

We believe that creating a vibrant and creative organization in which each and every employee can work with vitality and vigor will eventually lead to the growth of the company, and we are promoting efforts to maintain and improve the health of our employees.
Through these efforts, we aim to achieve zero long-term absences from work due to illness (three consecutive months or longer) by 2025.
To reduce the risk of illness among employees, we have established a health management promotion system in cooperation with industrial physicians, health staff, the Health Management Promotion Division, the health insurance union, the Health and Safety Committee, and the labor union, and are implementing a PDCA cycle for health measures.

Promotion of disease prevention

We focus on the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
to help employees reduce the risk of disease and work
with vigor and vitality.
In addition, the health management system is being utilized to improve the level of the health management system by promoting appropriate health guidance through company-wide monitoring of employee health status and identification of issues by health staff.
In our efforts to promote non-smoking, we post posters promoting non-smoking in our offices, promote awareness by publishing stories of successful smoking cessation in the company newsletter, and hold seminars for managers on non-smoking.
As for mental health measures, we have renewed our web-based health consultation service, which allows employees to anonymously consult with their health care providers.

Health Management Promotion System

<Sustainability Promotion Council>
A meeting is held once a year, chaired by the President and CEO and attended by outside directors, to determine goals for the following year. We are steadily promoting health management by organically linking the meetings at each level.

<Health Management Promotion Council>
With the department representatives as council members, the committee approves annual plans for health promotion measures and evaluates their achievement.

<Health Management Managers Council>
With the person in charge of the human resources department at each business site as a council member, we will formulate and implement health promotion measures in cooperation with the health insurance union, health and safety committee, and industrial physicians and health staff.

<Safety and Health Committee>
Company and union representatives participate and discuss information on health policies.


The Company and health insurance association work together in promoting the following initiatives to prevent and resolve health issues and aim to achieve the goal of zero worker on long-term leave due to illness in 2025.

Setting and improving KPI* through health screening and labor data analysis

We establish KPI for PDCA management and aim for improvement of CSR activities, including rates of getting regular health screening, thorough check up, people with regular exercise habits, people maintaining proper weight, and people with high stress, smokers, as well as total labor hours and rate of taking annual paid leaves.

*Indicator for evaluation level of target achievement (Key Performance Indicator)

*The prevention of lifestyle diseases is a priority task in order to reduce risks of diseases and enable employees to thrive at work.

Priority issues Establish KPI Target value FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019
Measures to prevent lifestyle diseases 1 Rate of receiving regular health screening 100% - 100.0 100.0
2 Rate of receiving through check up 100% - 67.3 50.0
3 Rate of implementing specific health instruction 55% 7.1 20.1 32.4
4 Rate of people maintaining proper weight (BMI between 18.5 and 25) 70% 63.8 63.3 62.7
5 Rate of people with regular exercise habits 40% 26.6 27.3 27.0

*3-5 targets persons age 40 and older

Regular Health Screening and Post-screening Follow Up

In 2019, the rate of employees receiving regular health screening was 100%, but the rate of people receiving a thorough check up or follow up among those deemed necessary was only 50%. We are striving to improve the rate of getting a thorough check up by utilizing the secondary medical examination benefit for workers' accident compensation, and encouraging employees to follow through with the recommendation in aiming to improve the rate to 100%.

Implementation of Mental Health Initiatives

We have been implementing annual stress check since 2007 in collaboration with an external specialized organization in order to for employees to accurately assess their own stress level in aiming to create a workplace that eliminates mental illness. In 2019, the Group's rate of receiving stress check was 97%. We have provided consultation with doctors for those with high stress wishing for in-person counseling, as well as established an external consultation window for employees and their families to consult anonymously without going through the Company, creating a safe environment for those seeking consultation. The results of the check are analyzed for the trend and causes of stress by workplace, and relayed to the head of each workplace as well as used for implementing measures such as mental health training for managers who play the central role of providing workplace line of care.

Implementation of Mental Health Initiatives

Limiting Overwork and Long Work Hours

IC card readers were installed at all locations in efforts to visualize attendance and enhance management accuracy. We are ensuring that overtime work is strictly controlled through prior approval from managers, and have installed a warning system across the entire company that notifies an employee and his/her superior's computer when there is a certain level of discrepancy between the work hours reported by the employee and those recorded by the IC card reader. We are raising awareness through alerts that notify an employee and his/her superior once the employee has reached a certain level of overtime work. In addition, the work hours at each business office are reported to the Labor-Management Committee for deliberation on control measures against long work hours among the staff and managements.

Certified as a Sports Yell Company

We have been certified as a "Sports Yell Company 2024" as a company that is actively engaged in promoting the implementation of sports to improve the health of its employees.
Under this certification system, the Sports Agency certifies companies that are actively engaged in promoting sports activities to improve the health of their employees, with the aim of promoting the implementation of sports among the "working-age" population and fostering social momentum for sports.


Obtained White 500 certification

We have been recognized as a corporation with excellent health management since 2019 under the Certification System for Excellent Health Management Corporations.
This system is implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in collaboration with the Japan Health Council, which is comprised of leaders from the business community, medical organizations, and local governments, and recognizes corporations that practice particularly excellent health management.
We will continue to regard the physical and mental health of each and every employee as an important asset, and will work to strengthen our health management practices.

2024 Health and producivity
